
The Randall Chair was established in 2007 to honor the legacy of artist and educator Theodore Randall, remembered as the architect of the 艺术与设计学院 at Alfred and as a significant artist and organizer in the field.

兰德尔主席的职位是开放的, international artists living outside the United States as non-US citizens who, by virtue of their stature as experienced artists, 会带来多元的文化洞察力吗.

春季2024基金会:Simeen Farhat


Simeen Farhat was born in 1968, in Karachi, 巴基斯坦. Her work has been shown in museum shows including The Asia Society Museum, 休斯顿, 阿灵顿艺术博物馆, 以博物馆, 达兰, 沙特阿拉伯, 格蕾丝博物馆, 阿比林, TX, 沙迦美术馆, 阿联酋, 和国家美术馆, 伊斯兰堡, 巴基斯坦.

Farhat also has numerous solo and group exhibitions in New York City, 费城, 达拉斯, 休斯顿, 伦敦, 迪拜, 阿布扎比, 沙迦, 巴林, 科威特, 巴基斯坦, 德国, 法国, 瑞士, 奥地利, 第56届威尼斯双年展.

Many of her works have been placed in numerous public and private collection including 以博物馆, 沙特阿拉伯, 教区学校, 德克萨斯州达拉斯, 达拉斯唱片大楼, 达拉斯, TX, 美国大使馆, 伊斯兰堡, 巴基斯坦, 美国领事馆, 吉达, 沙特阿拉伯, Ammar建筑集团, 巴林梅萨社区学院, 亚利桑那州梅萨, US, 住宅区皮肤病, 达拉斯TX, 阿布扎比王储宫殿, 阿联酋, 都铎·皮克林·霍尔特公司, 休斯顿, TX, 但Juman, Arjaan Rotana酒店和四季酒店, 迪拜的阿联酋, 半岛酒店, 法国.

Farhat’s art has been mentioned and written about in major publications, 和目录,如:纽约时报, 大象杂志, 选择杂志选民, 当代实践费城问询报, 《在线赌博》, 达拉斯的观察者, 艺术与探索, Artlies, 艺术与文化, 休斯顿纪事报,每日黎明报, Nukta艺术杂志, 地理新闻, 帆布杂志, 哈珀斯的集市, Khaleejesque, 和科威特, 印度时报》, 今天的印度, 印度艺术杂志, Glasstire.

2024年秋季艺术史:博士. 温迪蒙古包


Dr. Gers is an award-winning international academic, curator and consultant. She has lived and worked in the Netherlands, UK, 法国, 南非, China and Taiwan etc., 建立了研究实验室, 在欧洲讲授和策划大型展览, 东亚, 中东和非洲. Among these exhibitions are 2 major Biennales, that were visited by over 1 million people. Her curatorial leadership was celebrated by the City Press’s inclusion of Gers in their list of 100 ‘World-Class 南非ns’. 并行, Wendy has delivered over 80 public lectures and keynote addresses in 20 countries, 并曾在多个陪审团和董事会任职.

Gers is currently Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at Princessehof National Museum of Ceramics in the Netherlands, a prestigious Rijksmuseum with collection of over 45 000 works. 

她撰写了许多目录, 书籍章节和学术文章, including the landmark monograph on southern African potteries, 《在线赌博》(2016), 《在线赌博》(2017)和《在线赌博》(2014). 她为两个读者写过章节, The Ceramics Reader (2017) and The Craft and War Reader (forthcoming). Her research interests include sustainability, decolonisation, museums restitution and healing. 

Gers is the recipient of a PhD from the University of Sunderland; MA in 历史 of Art (cum laude); Advanced University Diploma in Information Studies and BA from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, 南非. She completed her Post-Doctoral 研究 Fellow at Tshwane University of Technology (南非).



Ziyang Wu is an artist based in Hangzhou and New York, currently teaching at the School of 设计 and Innovation at China Academy of Art, and is a current member of NEW INC at the New Museum. With an MFA from the Rhode Island School of 设计, 并获得了佛罗伦萨美术学院的文学学士学位, 他的视频, AR, AI simulation and interactive video installation have exhibited internationally, including the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in 费城, 根茎在纽约新博物馆展出, Walker Art Center and Rochester Art Center in Minnesota, 德克萨斯州的SXSW, 迪拜艺术博览会, 伦敦的Annka Kultys画廊, 柏林的Eigenheim画廊, 佛罗伦萨的美第奇宫, 米兰设计周, 北京今日美术馆, 成都双年展, Song Art Museum in Beijing and Ming Contemporary Art Museum in Shanghai. His recent fellowships and residencies include “Kai Wu” Interdisciplinary Studio residency, 媒体艺术实验室, Times Museum; AACYF Top 30 under 30; Residency Unlimited; MacDowell Fellowship; Artist-in-residence at 电子艺术学会 (IEA) at Alfred University; Winner of The ROCI Road to Peace by Robert Rauschenberg Art Foundation. His work has been reviewed and featured by Artnet, 布鲁克林的铁路, 很好, 时尚新加坡, Hypebeast, 登载中国, 国际华尔街, 纽约艺术基金会(NYFA), BIE, 神经杂志, Vie Des 艺术杂志, 赌注杂志, 领跑者杂志, 飞跃杂志, 同时代的杂志, 搅动世界杂志和更多.

Liet Heringa and Maarten Van Kalsbeek (Spring ‘22)

Heringa和Van kalsheek

The International Randall Chairs for the Division of Ceramic Art in the Spring Semester 2022 will be Liet Heringa and Maarten Van Kalsbeek, 来自荷兰的艺术家二人组.

The International Randall Chairs for the Division of Ceramic Art in the Spring Semester 2022 will be Liet Heringa and Maarten Van Kalsbeek, 来自荷兰的艺术家二人组.

超过25年了, 从他们在里特菲尔德学院的学生时代开始, they have regularly collaborated as Heringa/Van Kalsbeek on myriad projects in the Netherlands and internationally. 看一下 他们的网站和简历 to see the wide range of materials, methods, and projects they have engaged.

Liet and Maarten will be teaching Junior “Ceramic Sculpture II” within a thematic structure they provocatively titled “Frontstage/Backstage.”

Division Chair Walter McConnell states "I’ve had the pleasure of working with Liet and Maarten at a Korean Biennial in 2004. I can tell you from firsthand experience that they are hardworking prolific artists, fine and generous people with a wealth of knowledge to share and good fun to be around."